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- Unknown-

"To most people, it's just dirt.

To farmers, it's potential.


In Natural Resources and Environmental Sciences, my class broke off into groups and went outside to find different types of plants in a developed area, non-developed area and a forested area to study plant diversity.

For my 3rd Hour, I have one class of the Junior High each quarter. Second quarter, I received the 5th grade. For their project, we did soil books. Each student was tasked with the responsibility of bringing in soil to create each book. We spent a good amount of time on this project.

1st quarter, I had the 8th grade. We made farm models by using supplies that both the students and I had provided. We used supplies such as animal figurines, cardboard, paint, grass and lots more.

My 7th Hour NRES class has been studying how to score deer antlers. One of their main projects was to make deer antlers out of ordinary supplies. Some used was tinfoil, wire, PVC pipes, and masking tape.

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